"Your mother's wrinkles, your daughter's pimples, and your face is right in the middle."
That was the voice-over in an Oil of Olay advertisement I saw last night. And it got me thinking...
Oil of Olay has been around (under various names like Oil of Ulan and Oil of Olaz) since 1949. I remember seeing ads for the product when I was a kid (so very many years ago ;D). What I got thinking about is this: the women who were targeted by the Oil of Olay ads when I was a kid are the mothers of the women who are now being targeted by the ads.
And apparently it's a done deal that they've got wrinkles now...they're beyond the hope and help of the rejuvenating wonder.
And...let's take this a step further...the women who will be targeted by the ads in another twenty years are the pimply-faced daughters, whose pimples will be gone, but will be in fear of those wrinkles...who will be afraid they won't stay young forever...who will be looking at their mothers and praying, "Dear Lord, let me never have that many wrinkles..."
Seems like a kind of pointless and repetitive cycle. But it made me think of two seemingly unrelated Scripture passages:
Kind of depressing, isn't it?
Here's the other one. This is from I Peter:
There's a word in those verses that I absolutely love -- one that keeps cropping up again and again in the book of 1 Peter: imperishable.
When we look at beauty in the terms that the world sees it, it is not imperishable -- it is, like any other earthly treasure, destined to fall apart over time. No moisturizing cream, no anti-wrinkle formula, no anti-aging drugs can forever prevent it.
On the other hand, the character we develop, as followers of Jesus Christ, the "hidden person of the heart" -- that lasts forever. It is, in a word, imperishable.
But which do we spend more time worrying about? Outward beauty? Or inward character?
No wonder Solomon talked about "vanity." And he didn't mean "vanity" in the way we mean it today -- he was talking about emptiness.
And there is something painfully empty about a life spent worrying more about the outward than the inward, more about the perishable than about the imperishable...